

This endpoint creates a market order that is either simulated or live on the market, or both.


api_key : str

  • a valid API key

from_symbol : str

  • the ticker symbol for the currency of the account

to_symbol : str

  • the ticker symbol for the security being bought or sold

to_quantity : number

  • units of the security to buy or sell

experiment_id : str

  • the experiment ID under which the order is to be submitted

type : str

  • the transaction type. Must be 'BUY' or 'SELL'.

purchase_date : datetime

  • the datetime at which the order comes into effect. The security will not be bought or sold before this datetime.

limit_price_bottom : number or Nonetype

  • the bottom price limit. The security will not be bought or sold below this price. May be None. Optional.

limit_price_top : number or Nonetype

  • the top price limit. The security will not be bought or sold above this price. May be None. Optional.

limit_date : datetime or Nonetype

  • the expiry datetime for the order. The security will not be bought or sold after this datetime. May be None. Optional.

symbol_discovery : str

  • symbol discovery to use for the order. 'BINANCE' for currency and crypto, 'IB' for stocks.

Simple Example

dat = pq.submit_single_market_order({'from_symbol': 'USDT',
                            'to_symbol': 'BTC',
                            'to_quantity': 0.1,
                            'experiment_id': 'test_market_order',
                            'type': 'BUY',
                            'purchase_date': datetime.datetime.utcnow(),
                            'tag':"test submit",
                            'symbol_discovery': 'BINANCE'

Simple Example Output

{'from_symbol': 'USDT', 'order_id': 'ro-2a979be7-7628-4a22-b32a-67ffe41035e2', 
'to_symbol': 'BTC', 'to_quantity': 0.1, 'experiment_id': 'test_market_order', 
'type': 'BUY', 'purchase_date': '2020-06-10T19:01:44.207178', 
'submitted_date': '2020-06-10T19:01:44.207178', 'tag': 'test submit', 
'limit_price_top': None, 'limit_price_bottom': None, 'limit_date': '2020-06-10T20:01:45.117027', 
'simulated_price': None, 'symbol_discovery': 'BINANCE', 'market_price': None, 
'market_status': 'pending', 'status': 'pending', 'avg_fill_price': None, 
'market_avg_fill_price': None, 'transaction_fee': None, 
'transaction_ids': [], '_id': None}

Failure Examples

# submit without experiment_id
# an experiment id is required

dat = pq.submit_single_market_order({'from_symbol': 'USDT',
                            'to_symbol': 'BTC',
                            'to_quantity': 0.1,
                            #'experiment_id': 'test_market_order',
                            'type': 'BUY',
                            'purchase_date': datetime.datetime.utcnow(),
                            'tag':"test submit",
                            'symbol_discovery': 'BINANCE'

Failure Examples Output

{'error': 'No Target Process'}

Three Examples

# 1 with a limit date

dat = pq.submit_single_market_order({'from_symbol':'USDT',
                            'to_symbol': 'BTC',
                            'to_quantity': 0.1,
                            'type': 'BUY',
                            'purchase_date': ,datetime.datetime.utcnow()
                            'tag':"test submit",             
                            'limit_date': datetime.datetime.utcnow()+datetime.timedelta(days=1),

# 2 limit date as well as top and bottom price limits

dat = pq.submit_single_market_order({  'experiment_id': 'test_market_order',
               'to_symbol': 'BTC',
               'to_quantity': 0.1,
               'type': 'BUY',
               'purchase_date': datetime.datetime(2020,4,1,10),
               'tag':"test submit",
               'limit_price_top': 6310.0,
               'limit_price_bottom': 6295.0,
               'limit_date': datetime.datetime(2020,4,1,12),
            , remote=True)  

# 3 a SELL with a limit date and price limits

dat = pq.submit_single_market_order({  'experiment_id': "test_market_order",
               'to_symbol': 'BTC',
               'to_quantity': 0.1,
               'type': 'SELL',
               'purchase_date': datetime.datetime(2020,4,1,10),
               'tag':"test submit",
               'limit_price_top': 6310.0,
               'limit_price_bottom': 6295.0,
               'limit_date': datetime.datetime(2020,4,1,12),
            , remote=True)  

Three Examples Output

{'from_symbol': 'USDT', 'order_id': 'ro-712809a8-9db5-4f66-a0b5-8dcad5d6fcc9', 
'to_symbol': 'BTC', 'to_quantity': 0.1, 'experiment_id': 'test_market_order', 
'type': 'BUY', 'purchase_date': '2020-06-10T19:10:30.948144', 
'submitted_date': '2020-06-10T19:10:30.948144', 'tag': 'test submit', 
'limit_price_top': None, 'limit_price_bottom': None,'limit_date': '2020-06-11T19:10:30.948144', 
'simulated_price': None, 'symbol_discovery': 'BINANCE', 'market_price': None, 
'market_status': 'pending', 'status': 'pending', 'avg_fill_price': None, 
'market_avg_fill_price': None, 'transaction_fee': None, 
'transaction_ids': [], '_id': None}

{'from_symbol': 'USDT', 'order_id': 'ro-ec067a7b-c27b-4052-b43a-3413b4d36836', 
'to_symbol': 'BTC', 'to_quantity': 0.1, 'experiment_id': 'test_market_order', 
'type': 'BUY', 'purchase_date': datetime.datetime(2020, 4, 1, 10, 0),
'submitted_date': datetime.datetime(2020, 4, 1, 10, 0), 'tag': 'test submit', 
'limit_price_top': 6310.0, 'limit_price_bottom': 6295.0, 
'limit_date': datetime.datetime(2020, 4, 1, 12, 0), 'simulated_price': None, 
'symbol_discovery': 'BINANCE', 'market_price': None, 'market_status': 'pending', 
'status': 'pending', 'avg_fill_price': None, 'market_avg_fill_price': None, 
'transaction_fee': None, 'transaction_ids': [], 
'_id': None}

{'from_symbol': 'USDT', 'order_id': 'ro-09311000-8d27-4f08-a6a4-079ea56f09f5', 
'to_symbol': 'BTC', 'to_quantity': 0.1, 'experiment_id': 'test_market_order', 
'type': 'SELL', 'purchase_date': datetime.datetime(2020, 4, 1, 10, 0),
 'submitted_date': datetime.datetime(2020, 4, 1, 10, 0), 'tag': 'test submit', 
'limit_price_top': 6310.0, 'limit_price_bottom': 6295.0,
'limit_date': datetime.datetime(2020, 4, 1, 12, 0), 'simulated_price': None, 
'symbol_discovery': 'BINANCE', 'market_price': None, 'market_status': 'pending', 
'status': 'pending', 'avg_fill_price': None, 'market_avg_fill_price': None, 
'transaction_fee': None, 'transaction_ids': [], '_id': None}